In Focus.


Recovering from COVID: The Toll of Crisis Management on School District Leadership Teams


Catherine Barbour, M.Ed, Trish Brennan-Gac, JD; Johnette Burdette, M.Ed; and Jessica Johnson, MPP

Leadership matters. But when it comes to education, investments at the district level often take a back seat to the more pressing needs of students and teachers. The stimulus funds provide school districts with a rare opportunity to invest in key areas to support the capacity of district leadership teams. A team of experienced education professionals share their insights for critical district level investments.

Timeline and Critical Dates for Distributions of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER)


Trish Brennan-Gac, Strategic Counsel

Keep track of critical dates for the distribution and use of the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds under the American Rescue Plan. This chart is an easy to use one page infographic with links to official documents when you need to dig deeper.